An exercise in experimenting with automatic translation devices playing between texts, languages, sound and text, image and words. How does the message transform through the medium?

Let the medium perform the message:
Automatic dislocations’

Making words in Public
Explore ways to give visibility to a word by giving your quote a ‘body’ and making words public.
Reading through different ‘Wor(l)ds
Start by selecting two different views upon the theme of refugees. This can be, for example, two distinct political views; two different modes of approaching the topic such as a news piece and a personal narration; a poem and a travel journey; a tourist guide and an opinion piece; the geography of a border explained through a map, or listing of places, and the script of a movie.

Merge these two different qualities of text into one graphical object where the content of each text plays with the other. You can choose to make visually explicit a contrast between the two types of texts or work these two types of content by blurring the borders between them. Will they be confronting each other, or blending into one another? Be attentive to the format, composition, rhythm and typography in respect of how you play these texts one in relation to the other.